Rosemarie (Rose) Siggins - Extraordinary People

Rose SigginsBorn with a rare genetic disorder known as Sacral Agenesis, Rose had severely deformed legs with feet pointing in opposite directions. There was no feeling in the legs and, as a child, she was in danger of harming herself. When she was two years old her mother, after consulting with the doctors at the hospital, decided that the best course of action was to have the legs amputated. This insightful decision by her mother allowed Rose to lead a fairly normal childhood.

Rose grew up, with her mentally handicapped brother, in Peublo, Colorado. Rose believes her parents made the right choice as she cannot imagine being confined to a wheelchair. She describes her physical condition in her own way "If you take a Barbie doll and remove it's legs, the region you are left with is what I have. I have all the female working organs, the only reason I sit shorter or more compact, as people say, is because I'm missing four sections of my spinal column".

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行路難  柯裕棻的行路難



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  • Aug 20 Mon 2007 01:10
  • BAR 89

蘇活區著名酒吧89酒吧(BAR 89) 於1995年開業,酒吧内部設計獨特.

最讓人津津樂道的是2樓6間透明廁所, 從外面廁所看, 不論是馬桶或洗手台一清二楚,乍看該人訝異卻步.
不過等到進入廁所關上門之後, 整片玻璃門就會變成霧狀,並浮現occupied(有人) 讓外面等侯的人無法偷窺看透裡面.
等到你將門鎖打開之後, 玻璃又返回透明狀態.

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8/11/07和Nancy & her friend Christine 去Sag Harbor. 天氣很好, 很可愛的小鎮, 出去走走, 感覺很好. 午餐享用Chicken panini sandwish.

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咖啡小熊是之前C買的, 昨天到紐約上州玩 TARRYTOWN, 順便幫他添新裝,並和粉紅熊配一對.

這次有拍到STUFF MACHINE(棉花填充機,照片請看第1集), 還拍了店裡的蜘蛛熊,看起來很好笑.

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