下班後跑去某超市Best xx (保留), 逛到BAKERY 蛋糕區, 本來想買SHORTCAKE, 後來看到我的最愛堤拉米蘇, 我就改變心意了.

SHORTCAKE 已包好,拿了就可以走, 但堤拉米蘇要找店員來拿, 櫃台沒有人, 記得上次來櫃台也沒人. 我晃了約5分鐘沒人出現, 本想放棄, 可是好想吃喔.  

我跑到熟食部去叫一個男生, 他說等一下, 我又等了約10分鐘, 還是沒人來, 我決定放棄.

離開經過熟食部時, 看到3個男生在聊天, 我不確定我叫的那男生在不在.

回家後我就上他們的網站, 寫信給CEO, MANAGER, 蛋糕部及熟食部經理, 會寫給那麼多人是不知有沒有人會理我.

結果今天收到兩封信, 客服還不錯.  我會不會去拿20免費卷呢, 想, 但已回絕, 不想佔這便宜.


      First and foremost I would like to personally appologize for what happened last night. It is not my policy or the company's policy to let things like what happenned to you ever occur. I will personally investigate the situation at hand and deal with these employees as needed. I would like to extend a token of my appolgy and offer you a twenty dollar gift certificate to come and give our store a try again and I beleive you will not be disappointed. Once again let me say I'm sorry for your expierience in our store and I look foward to making it up to you. My hours are 6-4 everyday except Wed., you can reach me at the store or by e-mail if you choose.
Store Mgr.


I received your e-mail regarding the poor service you received in our Farmingdale store.  I would like to thank you for informing us of the problem you experience.  By doing so, you have allowed us to address a situation that otherwise may have gone unnoticed.  I was hoping that you could provide me with your mailing address so that I can send you a gift certificate to thank you for your loyalty.

V.P. of People



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