10/20/07 到大驚奇博物館, Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium, 美國幾乎每一州都有, 例如:加州, 佛羅里達, 馬里蘭, 密蘇里, 紐澤西, 紐約….
我們是去紐約時代廣場的, 剛開幕沒多久, 昨天路過時, C問要不要去看. 我看到票價好貴 $24.99, 本想打退堂鼓, C說我沒去過, 我們就進去了.
一入內看到全世界最高的人雕像, 我只超過他的一半一點點. 全世界手最大的人, 最胖的人1550 磅=702 公斤, 2頭人, 2頭牛, 2頭羊….
還算蠻新奇的, 不過因為我走路走到很累, 精神不集中, 還有館蔵不太多, 所以感覺還好而已.
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium
New York, NY
Like the Ripley's Believe It or Not! attractions around the globe, each item inside Ripley's Times Square will appeal to man�s basic curiosity and desire to know more about this world�and New York City. Guests will find only authentic, original and unbelievable exhibits in the Times Square odditorium, including locks of hair that belonged to Elvis Presley, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George Washington, Ripley's collection of Olympic torches, and animal oddities including a two-headed calf, a six-legged cow and an albino giraffe!
234 W. 42nd Street, Times Square
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 398-3133
Email: fun@ripleysnewyork.com
Pricing: Adults (ages 13 - 59) $24.95
Children (ages 4 - 12) $18.95
Seniors, Students with college ID, Active Military $21.95
Children 3 and under Free
Hours: Ripley�s Times Square is open 365 days a year from 9.00am to 1.00am (last ticket sold at midnight).
Occasionally, Ripley's Times Square may close early for special events, without notice. Please be sure to call ahead before you plan your visit.