

Dennis丹尼斯是公司的總務經理, 7/26/10 一早前同事Diane 傳來訊息: 你有沒有看到今早的報紙, 丹尼斯上報了, 報上附2張很棒的照片, 一張婚紗照攝於1970,一張現照.


Dennis愛的故事真的好浪漫喔, 以前雖聽他說過片段, 看過完整故事後, 更覺感動. 我跟Dennis 說我看到他們的故事, 好甜蜜喔. 2天他跟我說, 他接到很多朋友電話說看到新聞, 他感覺像明星一般. J


其實數月前就打算 Dennis, 話說某日中午, 我們在餐廳吃飯.

Dennis跑進來問: 如果你老公帶你去紐約市住一晚, 看百老匯秀, 吃大餐慶祝結婚紀念日這樣夠不夠, 你們會開心嗎. 在場7-8個女生都表示肯定, 當時就覺得Dennis是貼心的老公.


5/1/10週六晚, 時代廣場被放置汽車炸彈, 看新聞同時, 我對c, Dennis和他老婆在時代廣場看秀, 當時有點小擔心Dennis, 因為好多觀光客被禁回飯店, 只能待在街上, 另外好像部分百老匯秀也停演.


週一到公司時, 我迫不及待問Dennis, 週六沒事吧, 他說完全不知道, 也沒被影響.






丹尼斯回想和親愛的老婆芭芭拉相戀的起源, 是為了幫好朋友的忙.


我出生於1947, 那年我們全家由Brooklyn 布魯克林搬到New Hyde Park新海德公園.


我和2個兄弟都上Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School小學就讀. 1958年我六年級, 芭芭拉轉學到我們學校, 我們都是六年級. 當時男女分班, 除了下課時才有機會看到女生.


我最好的朋友和芭芭拉搭乘同一校車, 1960, 我們八年級, 我的好朋友喜歡上芭芭拉, 但是因為太害羞不敢約她出去. 我跟他說, 我幫你打電話給芭芭拉, 看她是否願意我們2男生2女生一起去打保齡球. 芭芭拉答應了.

就這樣開始了我們2男生2女生出遊方式, 只是我每次帶的女生都不同人.



我和芭芭拉很談的來, 每次出遊都聊的很開心, 我開始意識到她是一位很特別的女孩,她不僅外表美麗, 內心更是善良. 可惜的是, 他是我好朋友的女朋友.


初中畢業時, 我的好朋友全家搬走了. 因為我們太小不能開車, 所以他無法和芭芭拉見面.


在得到好朋友的准許後, 我約了芭芭拉一起打迷你高爾夫球, 這次不是2男生2女生出遊, 而是我們的第一次約會.


芭芭拉和我一起上同一所Herricks國中和高中, 國中畢業舞會我邀請芭芭拉當我的女伴.


高中畢業後, 芭芭拉上了Molloy Catholic College大學女校, 我則被徵兵一年到越南打越戰. 出戰期間, 芭芭拉等侯著我, 支持我,並不時寫信及寄包裹來慰藉在異鄉的我.



19689月我返回美國, 我們於聖誔節前夕訂婚, 並於197053日在Notre Dame Church教堂結婚.


芭芭拉是一個護士而我是游泳池用品總務經理. 今年是我們到紐約市慶祝了第40週年的結婚紀念.


上帝保祐了我們, 讓我們有三個美妙的小孩和八個美麗的孫子. 我誠心感激我小學的好朋友, 沒有他我不會找到我美麗的妻子芭芭.



Love Story: Dennis and Barbara of Greenlawn

Originally published: July 19, 2010 4:20 PM

Dennis  of Greenlawn recalls how a romance with Barbara Buerkle blossomed as a result of helping out a friend.

My family moved from Brooklyn to New Hyde Park in 1947, the year I was born. When the time came for me to start school, my parents sent me and my two brothers to Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School.

In 1958, Barbara Buerkle and her family moved into the parish and she also attended the school. We were both in the sixth grade. However, the school separated the boys from the girls except at recess, when we were all together in the schoolyard.

My best friend and Barbara took the same bus to school, and when eighth grade began, in 1960, he became very interested in her but was too shy to ask her out. I told him that I would call Barbara and ask if she wanted to go on a double date with him to the local bowling alley.

She accepted, and it was the beginning of many double dates. Each time we went out, I was with a different girl.

Barbara and I had good conversations together, and I began to realize that she was a special girl, not only beautiful on the outside, but even more beautiful on the inside. Unfortunately, she was dating my best friend. When we graduated from grammar school, my friend moved away. Since we were too young to drive, he would not be able to see Barbara. After okaying it with him, I called Barbara to ask her out, not on a double date this time but on a date with me. She accepted, and we went miniature golfing.

Barbara and I attended Herricks Junior and Senior High School, and at our junior prom I asked her to go steady with me.

After we graduated from high school, she went on to attend Molloy Catholic College for Women in Rockville Centre. I was drafted and did a tour of duty in Vietnam with the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry. Barbara waited for me and supported me with letters and goody packages during the year I was overseas.

I returned home in September 1968, and that Christmas Eve we became engaged. We married on May 3, 1970, at Notre Dame Church.

Barbara is a nurse at St. Francis Hospital Cardiac Fitness Center, and I am the operations manager for Swimming Pool Supplies company. We celebrated our 40th anniversary this year with a weekend getaway to New York City. God has blessed us with three wonderful children; we have eight beautiful grandchildren.
I am eternally grateful to my elementary school friend, for without him I would not have my beautiful Barbara.


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    Monica Ny


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